
From the BI industry

How can BI consulting help your business?

The significant technological advances we have experienced in recent years have given entrepreneurs entirely new opportunities. Productivity, operational and cost efficiency are just a few of the benefits experienced by technology-oriented organizations. Undoubtedly, Business Intelligence is one of the solutions that has had a huge impact on the business world. Strategic decisions are now based on real data rather than intuition, making every process work as planned. But before companies can take advantage of BI capabilities, they need to implement a solution tailored to their business model and industry. And this is where a BI consulting firm comes in handy.

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From the BI industry

How to implement Power BI?

The popularity of business intelligence tools is constantly growing. More and more companies in various industries are turning to modern analytical systems to make better use of the data they collect. What are the capabilities of Power BI from Microsoft? When and how to implement Power BI? About it in the article!

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Integration of Power BI with Microsoft Teams

In today’s dynamic business landscape, harnessing the power of data is not just a necessity – it’s a strategic advantage. Microsoft recognizes the critical role that data plays in decision-making, and with the seamless integration of Power BI with Microsoft Teams, a new era of collaborative data mining has arrived. This article looks at the synergy between Power BI and Teams services, two key components of the Microsoft ecosystem. This integration is more than a simple technology collaboration – it’s a breakthrough for teams that want to streamline their data-driven decision-making processes in a familiar Teams environment. Let’s take a closer look.

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From the BI industry

Analyzing Black Friday results in Power BI

Black Friday is one of the most important shopping events that attracts crowds of bargain-seeking customers every year. For experts in data analysis using Power BI, this is also a great opportunity to explore the secrets of consumer behavior and pricing strategies. In this article, we will analyze how business intelligence systems such as Power BI work in the context of Black Friday, how prices are shaping up for the occasion, and the benefits of data analysis in this modern tool.

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Microsoft Power BI

Questions about Power BI. What data analytics topics are of interest to the community?

Microsoft Power BI facilitates data analysis and supports business decision-making. With advanced features, the ability to integrate information from multiple sources, and an intuitive administration panel, it has become one of the most popular data analysis programs among businesses. Although the system seems to be widely known, we often get similar questions about Power BI in our communications. The most common ones, we have collected in the following article.

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From the BI industry

Power BI – increase your company’s efficiency with data analysis

Business analytics allows you to find key information in the maze of data, which in turn can be used to improve the company’s efficiency. However, this seemingly simple activity requires adequate preparation and definition of the purpose of the analysis. Fortunately, there are tools that greatly streamline this process. One of them is the Power BI system. How can it help improve the efficiency of your business?

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Microsoft Power BI

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a Microsoft tool, publicly released in July 2015, addressing the needs of Business Intelligence. Under this name is business analytics, encompassing the broad process of transforming the raw data available in any company into valuable knowledge. Its appropriate use can make companies in many industries more competitive and increase the profitability of their operations.

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Microsoft Power BI

Power BI training: dive into the world of data analysis

Jeśli jesteś pasjonatem analizy danych i chcesz zdobyć umiejętności, które pozwolą Ci tworzyć zaawansowane raporty i zbierać trafne wnioski biznesowe, to szkolenie Power BI jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Dzięki narzędziu Power BI możesz w pełni wykorzystać potencjał posiadanych danych do podejmowania kluczowych decyzji. Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć, dla kogo dedykowane są tego typu szkolenia i dlaczego warto wziąć w nich udział, zapraszamy do lektury artykułu.

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Microsoft Power BI

How do financial institutions use BI?

New technologies are part of every stage of our development. With them comes a massive amount of data, which allows us to gain a deeper insight into the behaviour of customers and the industry in which we operate as a whole. Research shows that 90 per cent of the world’s data has been generated over the past two years. Therefore, all entrepreneurs serious about developing their businesses should implement business intelligence practices to exploit their data resources fully. This also applies to banks and financial institutions.

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Success stories

Business analytics – what benefits can your company bring? Get to know 3 case studies

The ability to exploit the potential of business intelligence plays a key role in the functioning of enterprises today. It often determines the competitive advantage and success in a modern environment. Why? As everything changes and becomes more dynamic in every business sector, the benefits of business intelligence and the proper use of data analysis are the keys to achieving even better results. What benefits can business analytics bring to your company?

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