
From the BI industry

How to visualise data? Explore the Power BI features

Today, every company generates many millions of data every day. Dotyczą one sprzedaży, finansów, marketingu i reklamy, zarządu. Ich poprawna analiza to klucz do wyprzedzenia konkurencji i nadania biznesowi kierunku, opartego na solidnych filarach, jakimi są informacje. Niestety w praktyce nie jest to zadanie proste. Cześć danych zostaje niewykorzystana lub jest dostępna tylko dla poszczególnych działów organizacji. Na szczęście z pomocą przychodzi Microsoft Power BI, czyli narzędzie do analizy danych, które zdecydowanie ułatwia ich analizę, wizualizację oraz udostępnianie wszystkim pracownikom firmy.

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Raporty Power BI
Microsoft Power BI

Power BI Reports

Power BI is a tool that allows organizations to create advanced reports and data analysis. With its wide range of personalization, visualization, and integration with various data sources, Power BI is becoming an indispensable tool for analysts and managers who want to transform data into valuable information. In this article, we will focus on discussing the reports that can be created in Power BI.

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Microsoft Power BI

In which areas of the business can Power BI be used?

In an age of ubiquitous access to data, it is increasingly important to analyse it correctly and turn it into valuable business information. However, it is essential to know that this process is not just about aggregating data and rearranging individual numbers in columns. This requires a much more in-depth approach, giving almost all areas of the company a solid dose of knowledge, based on the pillars of the analyses carried out. In a company managed in this way, mistakes or oversights are hard to come by. Can your company also use Microsoft Power BI?

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Excel vs Power BI – Jakie narzędzie BI wybrać dla swojej firmy
Microsoft Power BI

Excel vs Power BI – which BI tool to choose for your company?

Choosing the right tool for data analysis and reporting is key to effectively managing a company. Many entrepreneurs ask themselves, “Is Excel enough for us, or is it worth investing in Power BI?” In this article, we will compare their capabilities to help you make the right decision.

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Microsoft Power BI

5 reasons why data analysis with Power BI should be important for every business

Technology is rapidly changing the way businesses operate. Data analysis, skills and knowledge are increasingly impacting how entrepreneurs use innovative solutions to run their businesses. Correct data analysis with tools such as Power BI involves a detailed approach to aggregating, analysing, disseminating and presenting research findings in a way that is easy to interpret and make business decisions. Any business can make decisions on trends and predict customer behaviour by analysing data, increasing business profitability and driving effective decision-making. Why should your company also analyse data?

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Sposoby wizualizacji danych w Power BI
Microsoft Power BI

Ways to visualize data in Power BI

Data visualization plays a key role in business analysis. Thanks to it, we are able to formulate valuable conclusions from numerical information presented in a more accessible form. In this article, we will look at the most important ways of visualizing data in Power BI and discuss their use.

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Integracja Power BI z innymi narzędziami Microsoft 365.
From the BI industry

How to optimise financial reporting with Power BI?

As an advanced data analysis and reporting tool, Power BI offers many opportunities to optimise financial reporting processes. This optimisation can significantly increase the efficiency, transparency and speed of access to key financial information within an organisation. Let’s take a closer look at how Microsoft Power BI can be used in the financial industry.

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Power BI w branży produkcyjnej
From the BI industry

How does Power BI support process optimization and data analysis in the manufacturing industry?

Today, the manufacturing industry is facing many challenges that require the use of modern technologies to manage processes. Power BI in the manufacturing industry is a tool that revolutionizes the way factories monitor and optimize their operations. Through real-time data analysis, automation, and advanced reporting, Power BI helps manufacturing companies make faster, better decisions.

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najlepsze praktyki w analizie danych.
Microsoft Power BI

10 best practices in Power BI data analysis

Power BI is one of the most popular data analysis and reporting tools both small and large enterprises use. Its intuitive interface, wide range of features and ability to integrate with various data sources make it an extremely useful tool for data analysts. However, to realise the full potential of Power BI, it is essential to follow best practices in data analysis. In this article, we will discuss ten key principles that will help you work optimally with Microsoft Power BI.

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dlaczego warto wdrożyć Power BI.
From the BI industry

10 reasons why you should use Power BI

Power BI is a Microsoft tool that has become increasingly popular with companies worldwide in recent years. Offering a wide range of analytical features, Power BI enables you to transform raw data into valuable information. Here are 10 reasons why you should implement this tool in your business.

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