Modern BI reporting – explore the power of Microsoft Power BI

Running a business in a world of data is not an easy task. Fortunately, modern data analysis and visualisation systems, such as Microsoft Power BI, come to our aid, allowing us to aggregate and segment data quickly and create clear charts and reports. How can these modern reporting systems support your business operations?

Create reports in Microsoft Power BI

With the help of Microsoft Power BI, it is possible to create reports from a shared data set. Notably, the visualisations created in this way are not static and can be updated when the base data changes. Furthermore, this allows users to interact with the visualisations and filters, analysing the data to obtain detailed information and answers to their questions.
The range of actions performed with a report prepared in Microsoft Power BI depends on the role and the assigned permissions. This significantly increases the level of security during work and protects data from uncontrolled access by unauthorised users. In addition, by creating reports in Power BI, we can share the work results with other employees or business partners via a web browser or mobile device.

Benefits of using Microsoft Power BI

Ease of use

The Power BI system also has many other advantages. These include an intuitive interface that works seamlessly with “drag and drop” functionality. Users appreciate creating reports in Power BI also for the ability to generate queries in natural language. Importantly, compared to regular spreadsheets, Microsoft Power BI has much better data compression capabilities. This allows you to easily access and analyse vast amounts of information that Excel would rather struggle with.

Better data insights

Modern BI reports created with Power BI allow you to aggregate data from multiple sources. This gives us access to data in one place, which we can turn into valuable business information with just a few clicks. This information is essential for making the right decisions and stable company growth.

A robust tool from Microsoft

SSAS is a tool built to manage data warehouses. Its author is also Microsoft, which shows that the company founded by Bill Gates has experience in data analysis. Furthermore, power BI itself is based on the expertise of SSAS experts, which guarantees the quality of this product.

Create modern reports with Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a tool that brings business analytics to a higher level. Once you become familiar with its functionalities, you no longer need to rely on IT staff to collect, transform and analyse data. Instead, with various built-in functions and data visualisation capabilities, the business user can perform most of these tasks themselves and create interactive reports.