In which areas of business activity can Power BI be used?

Universal access to data makes it more and more essential to analyse and transform it into valuable business information. It is crucial to know, however, that this process is not only about aggregating data and presenting individual numbers in columns. This requires a much more in-depth approach, thanks to which almost all areas of the company's operations will receive a solid dose of knowledge based on the pillars of the conducted analyses. In such a managed company, it is difficult to make mistakes or omissions. Can your company also use Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI – an easy to use interface for data analysis

Power BI is a whole set of analytical tools that support the functioning of companies and organisations from various industries. Thanks to proper knowledge of the needs, organisational culture and objectives of a given company, it is possible to adjust its functions in such a way that Microsoft Power BI supports the development of the entire organisation.

Thanks to Power BI:

– You have constant access to all company data,

– You can share reports between different departments of the company,

– You analyse data, even if you have little technical skills,

– You avoid mistakes in data analysis.

Which areas of the company’s operation support Microsoft Power BI?

  • Sales

The ultimate goal of any company is to sell. The ability to look at the results achieved at each level often indicates weak points and opportunities for development. Collecting accurate and reliable data allows for better management of the entire sales process. For example, reports generated in the Power BI system are available to all employees of the company, regardless of the place from which they work. Salespeople have access to current sales results, structured according to a selected scheme – divided into provinces, regions or product lines.

  • Customer service

Mobile access and easy data visualisation in Microsoft Power BI make it possible for people employed in the customer service area to quickly receive specific knowledge about the needs of their customers. Thanks to this, it is much easier for customer service employees to perform their professional duties. Detailed information provided by reports generated by Power BI allows for proper orientation in consumer preferences, and thus improve the quality of customer service.

  • Marketing

Power BI, through in-depth and multi-faceted data analysis, allows you to discover which areas of marketing communication are the most effective and which need to be improved. To enhance the functioning of this area of business, we particularly recommend Power BI Marketing Analytics by EBIS, a ready-to-implement solution for boosting promotional campaigns.

  • Finances

Data analysis also supports financial departments effectively. Activities such as making sales forecasts and financial estimates, analysing and improving operational efficiency, creating reports or estimating risks with Power BI are much more cost-effective, and the risk of mistakes in calculations is practically zero. Business intelligence tools make it easy to understand, analyse and find values in large sets of numbers.

  • Management Board

Decision making is one of the most critical tasks of any organisation, especially the board of directors. If they are based on data, the risk of mistake or inappropriate direction of development is practically eliminated. Moreover, when analysing data, we know precisely which of the business objectives we can achieve and which of them should be verified. At the same time, ongoing monitoring of the company’s condition increases the chance that the assumed development plan will be implemented in 100%.

As you can see from the above examples, Power BI can be used in practically all areas of the company’s operations. If you are interested in using its capabilities in your company, please contact us, and we will prepare an action plan together!