
Microsoft Power BI

Important Power BI events worth taking part in 2019

Microsoft Power BI is a system that supports companies and organizations in efficient and effective data analysis. Thanks to it you can analyse and visualize data collected by organizations and companies in an interesting and accessible way. The information obtained in this way is available to the whole team regardless of time and location. What’s more, Power BI allows you to combine data from multiple sources – Excel spreadsheets, email marketing systems, social media, streaming data or cloud services. The generation of reports is fast and intuitive, and the range of analysed data can be freely modified. If you want to learn more about the possibilities offered by Power BI, it is essential to take part in one of the events that will take place in 2019!

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From the BI industry

Trends in BI in 2019

The business intelligence area is playing an increasingly important role in managing the organization. It is worth to take a closer look at trends dominating on the market, which will determine actions in the field of business intelligence systems in 2019.

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Microsoft Power BI

Dlaczego warto wdrożyć system Power BI w 2019 roku?

Grudzień skłania do przemyśleń, podsumowań oraz wytyczania celów na nadchodzący, nowy rok. Kwestie te są szczególnie ważne dla przedsiębiorstw, które planują w 2019 roku rozwinąć skrzydła – wejść z ofertą na nowe rynki, poszerzyć asortyment czy zakres usług oraz oczywiście zwiększyć rentowności prowadzonej działalności. Co można zrobić, aby postawione cele stały się w 2019 roku faktami? Warto analizować dane!

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Workshops Dashboard in a Day – a report from the event

Yesterday, 27th November 2018, the “Dashboard in a Day” workshop took place, which we organized in Krakow together with our partner, Microsoft. Several dozen people attended the event, which makes us extremely happy. Such a great interest in data analysis and the possibilities offered by business intelligence and the Power BI system allows us to look optimistically at the development of Polish enterprises.

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Power BI workshop in London

EBIS together with a partner, Meritum Cloud Services Ltd, organized workshops presenting Power BI tools. The event took place on November 14, 2018, in London.

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EBIS at Liverpool Biz Expo 2018

Liverpool Biz Expo is a one-day event addressed to representatives of the business services industry. EBIS also took part in the fair and presented its competences in the field of Power BI implementation.

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