
techniki wizualizacji danych w Power BI.
Microsoft Power BI

Data visualization techniques in Power BI

In today’s world, where the amount of available data is growing at a dizzying pace, the ability to effectively visualize information is becoming a key element in the success of any organization. Power BI, a tool from Microsoft, enables the creation of advanced data visualizations that help make sound business decisions. In this article, we will take a look at the most important data visualization techniques available in Power BI that allow for clear and effective presentation of results.

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Integracja Power BI z Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Power BI

Integration of Power BI with Microsoft Teams

Integrating Power BI with Microsoft Teams is a cutting-edge solution that enables better collaboration and effective data management in organizations. By combining these two tools, teams can better analyze data and make informed decisions. In this article, we will discuss how integrating Power BI with Microsoft Teams can increase productivity and support collaboration in your company.

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Microsoft Power BI

Everything you should know about Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is an advanced analytical tool revolutionising how companies manage their data. In an era when business decisions must be made quickly and accurately, Power BI offers solutions that make it easier to process, analyze and visualize data. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about Microsoft Power BI – from its basic features, business benefits, market realities, and statistics.

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Microsoft Power BI

Power BI – grow your business based on data

Power BI is a set of on-premise and cloud-based data analysis tools that allow you to visualise and analyse data across your organisation intuitively. Data is available in one place, and thanks to Power BI Mobile, it is also used from mobile devices. What benefits will you gain by implementing Microsoft Power BI?

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Microsoft Power BI

How do new technologies improve customer service?

New technologies have a significant impact on customer service activities. On the one hand, they allow to speed up various procedures. On the other hand, they enable gaining in-depth knowledge about which communication channels with the customer should be prioritized. Business Intelligence solutions, including Power BI, are becoming more and more popular in such a situation.

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Microsoft Power BI

Questions about Power BI. What data analytics topics are of interest to the community?

Microsoft Power BI facilitates data analysis and supports business decision-making. With advanced features, the ability to integrate information from multiple sources, and an intuitive administration panel, it has become one of the most popular data analysis programs among businesses. Although the system seems to be widely known, we often get similar questions about Power BI in our communications. The most common ones, we have collected in the following article.

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Microsoft Power BI

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a Microsoft tool, publicly released in July 2015, addressing the needs of Business Intelligence. Under this name is business analytics, encompassing the broad process of transforming the raw data available in any company into valuable knowledge. Its appropriate use can make companies in many industries more competitive and increase the profitability of their operations.

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Microsoft Power BI

Power BI training: dive into the world of data analysis

Jeśli jesteś pasjonatem analizy danych i chcesz zdobyć umiejętności, które pozwolą Ci tworzyć zaawansowane raporty i zbierać trafne wnioski biznesowe, to szkolenie Power BI jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Dzięki narzędziu Power BI możesz w pełni wykorzystać potencjał posiadanych danych do podejmowania kluczowych decyzji. Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć, dla kogo dedykowane są tego typu szkolenia i dlaczego warto wziąć w nich udział, zapraszamy do lektury artykułu.

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Microsoft Power BI

How do financial institutions use BI?

New technologies are part of every stage of our development. With them comes a massive amount of data, which allows us to gain a deeper insight into the behaviour of customers and the industry in which we operate as a whole. Research shows that 90 per cent of the world’s data has been generated over the past two years. Therefore, all entrepreneurs serious about developing their businesses should implement business intelligence practices to exploit their data resources fully. This also applies to banks and financial institutions.

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Microsoft Power BI

Chat GPT in Power BI

Chat GPT is a real revolution. We’ve been using automation and artificial intelligence in many industries for years, but Chat Open AI indisputably stole the show in media and business for a few months. It is used in many areas of life and work, so why not use it in analytics? Check out how Chat GPT is being used in the Power BI service.

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