Power BI in health care – how to use data to manage a medical facility?

The medical sector is an industry where data analytics is gaining more and more ground. Especially now, in the era of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, Microsoft Power BI, at the forefront of business analytics, is growing in popularity. How can you use this tool to manage your medical facility more efficiently?

Power BI – data analysis in the healthcare sector

The Power BI system enables data visualisation and creating clear and readable reports. What is essential, they can come from many sources and be analysed even by people with little analytical knowledge. This is possible thanks to the drag and drop function and the ability to build queries in natural language.

In Power BI, the level of data analysis advancement is fully configurable. For example, to get a complete overview of a hospital’s budget and revenues, you can collect financial data in one place and analyse it over the last quarter or compare it year to year. If, on the other hand, we want to focus on data strictly related to the current work of a given medical unit – such as the time spent by patients in a given ward, the stock of medicines or materials, then with the help of dashboards created in the Power BI system we can limit the analysis to these issues.

Generally speaking, reports generated in Power BI can be adjusted to the needs of both individual departments of medical facilities and presented globally.


The Power BI system facilitates data analysis, especially in the following areas:

– Financial reports – used to visualise expenses, income, insurance costs, employee salaries and other budget issues.

– Patient-related reports – used to track information such as the number of patients visiting the facility, duration of stay, and the amount of medication used and disposable materials per person.

– Employee-related reports – to help you monitor employee performance, employee-to-patient ratios, and medical staff seniority.

– Materials management reports – specifying the number of medicines and materials used in each unit and in relation to the entire medical facility.


What benefits does Power BI offer for the healthcare sector?

The healthcare industry has been transformed into a world based on data from many sources – CRM, EMR, HMS, outpatient registration, laboratories, hospital pharmacies and many more. Although medical facilities transform a vast amount of data every day, they cannot extract valuable information. Fortunately, modern systems for data analysis, such as Microsoft Power BI, come in handy.


How does this system improve the work and functioning of medical facilities?

– It allows aggregating critical data in one place, alco during COVID-19 pandemic

– Indicates trends and patterns in data and makes it easier to understand,

– Supports managers and executives in making decisions,

– Provides insight into the current situation of the medical facility,

– Enables easy management of data that individual hospital wards or clinics can use.

These factors are particularly relevant today when rational management of medical facilities is becoming more and more complicated. Power BI helps to make difficult healthcare issues much simpler and more accessible in terms of reception and analysis. An appropriate configuration of the system and adjustment of its capabilities to the needs of a given medical facility ensures its stable functioning and world-class services for patients.

If you are interested in implementing Power BI in your medical facility, we will be happy to help you. From planning to implementation and maintenance of the system. Write to us if you have any questions about Power BI’s healthcare capabilities.