
Power BI w logistyce.
From the BI industry

Power BI in logistics – transforming operations through advanced data analytics

Logistics is an industry that is constantly grappling with the challenges of operational efficiency, cost control and ensuring on-time delivery. In the era of digitization, analytical tools that allow companies to monitor and optimize their processes on an ongoing basis are becoming crucial. One such tool is Power BI, an advanced analytics solution from Microsoft.

From the BI industry

Predictive analytics – how does it support business?

Predictive analytics is an advanced field of data analysis that uses statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to predict future events based on historical data. Regardless of industry, today’s companies increasingly rely on predictive analytics to make more informed decisions and anticipate market changes. Its role in business cannot be overestimated, as it enables companies to stay ahead of the competition, optimize operational processes and better understand customer needs. This article will outline five key benefits of predictive analytics and how companies can take advantage of it using tools such as Power BI.

From the BI industry

How to analyze the data?

In the digital age, where data is being called “the new oil,” the ability to analyze it effectively has become an indispensable part of any organization’s success. From making informed business decisions to optimizing processes and understanding customers, data analysis is crucial for transforming raw information into valuable insights. In this article, we’ll outline steps to help you analyze data effectively, emphasising using tools such as Power BI.

From the BI industry

What is Power BI used for?

Microsoft Power Business Intelligence, or Power BI for short, is a powerful analytical tool that allows companies to collect, analyze and visualize data. It gives them better insight into their business and allows them to make more informed decisions based on real data. Are you considering implementing a platform with the help of which you will extract useful information from your data? From the following article, you will learn exactly what Microsoft’s flagship BI software, Power BI, is.

From the BI industry

How do you find answers to important questions about your business? Get to know Power BI!

Analyzing the data that companies collect every day is not just a topic that concerns large corporations. Anyone who runs their own business and wants to achieve even better results should take a serious interest in what can be achieved through data analysis. Today, thanks to modern systems such as Power BI, you can really extract a lot of valuable information from data. What can be done to make them start speaking to us in “human language”?

From the BI industry

When is it a good idea to implement business intelligence class systems, such as Power BI?

Business intelligence tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, are very useful in business. They help make key decisions, support the process of implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of achieving marketing and sales goals, and facilitate a deeper understanding of customer needs and behavior. However, as with any investment, implementing a data analytics system involves some cost and reorganization within the company. So how do you determine if it’s time? This is what you will learn from the article.

From the BI industry

5 rules for effective data analysis

We are hearing more and more about how data should determine virtually every decision a company makes. Indeed, a data-driven organizational culture brings a number of tangible benefits to companies. In practice, is it easy and efficient to operate on huge data sets? Unfortunately, not always. Learn 5 rules that will support efficient data analysis in your company!

From the BI industry

Do you want to increase the effectiveness of your operations? Analyze your data with Power BI!

In order for the data analysis process to run smoothly, proper data storage and segmentation is key. With the help of companies comes the Power BI system, which makes it possible to gather all data about an organization in one place and visualize it clearly in the form of reports. How does it increase the efficiency of operations in a company? Which areas of the organization does it support? Here are the benefits of data analysis with Power BI!

From the BI industry

How are companies using BI systems?

Skillful management of collected data is a huge challenge for almost every enterprise. Without proper analysis, this information is virtually worthless. Business Intelligence class systems, such as Power BI from Microsoft, are coming to the aid of organizations. For what purposes is it worth using them?

From the BI industry

Analytics outsourcing – when and why is it worth it?

Today’s enterprises, faced with the dynamic pace of markets and rapid changes in the business environment, are increasingly turning to analytics outsourcing as a strategic option for data management. Outsourcing analytical services, i.e. delegating data analysis tasks to outside specialists, has become not only a tool for optimizing operating costs, but also a key element in strategic business decision-making. Find out when and why you should invest in this type of service.
