
From the BI industry

Does Microsoft Power BI change the way the analytical industry operates?

Aggregation and analysis of data are factors that provide very high value for enterprises. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce company expenses by optimizing operating costs (49.2%), as well as creating new innovation paths (44.3%) or further product development (36.1%). What’s more, as many as 69.4% of respondents confirmed that market trends and opportunities offered by new technologies encouraged them to create an organizational culture based on data analysis. The results of this study are not surprising. Big Data, data analysis, AI, machine learning – all these issues are the future of enterprises that want to gain a competitive advantage in the market. How can you use this potential in your company?

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From the BI industry

The best sources of knowledge about Power BI

Are you interested in analysing data and possibilities offered by business intelligence? Nowadays, these are the key elements that allow companies to make the right business decisions. However, as you move on to the next level of organization management, it is becoming more and more difficult to analyse huge amounts of collected data. This is why business analytics systems such as Microsoft Power BI are being developed. This tool allows you to easily analyse the collected information and visualize it in a transparent way. In this article we present the best sources (podcasts, YouTube channels) of Power BI knowledge to help you learn more about its capabilities.

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From the BI industry

Business analysts – what kind of tasks do they perform?

Contrary to stereotypes, the work of a business analyst is not just typing numbers into a spreadsheet. Instead, working in this position requires knowledge of many aspects of business operations, advanced problem identification skills and creativity in solving them.

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From the BI industry

Power BI: Business Intelligence in the financial sector

According to Cloud Computing and Business Intelligence Study Market published by Dresner Advisory Services, nearly 48% of companies claim that business intelligence and business analysis are critical to their business. In an era when data is at the heart of every business strategy and decision-making process, it’s no wonder that the financial services sector is also trying to gain more control and understanding of data. Fortunately, advanced data analysis systems, such as Power BI, are helpful. How can they support companies in the financial industry?

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From the BI industry

Why is data analysis necessary in times of crisis?

During a coronavirus pandemic, maintaining the current pace of development is a dream of many companies. Success or failure may be determined by the ability to make the right business decisions. Thanks to technological progress in data processing, communication, and the ability to analyse large data sets, the chances of being able to react to threats are at a turning point. Tools such as Power BI provide insight into rapidly changing situations and help you respond to threats. Can you also benefit from Power BI in times of crisis?

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From the BI industry

Better data culture with Power BI. How to work it out?

Żyjemy w świecie, który jest napędzany przez dane. Od tego, w jaki sposób je wykorzystamy, zależy wiele – trafność podejmowanych decyzji biznesowych, rozwój firmy, jej konkurencyjność, a co za tym idzie, także i dochody. Obecnie praca ma charakter coraz bardziej interdyscyplinarny i wymaga nieustannego uczenia się, zdobywania informacji oraz ich praktycznego wykorzystania. Jeśli więc wprowadzimy w swojej firmie kulturę organizacyjną opartą na danych, to możemy mieć pewność, że osiągniemy spójność na wszystkich poziomach organizacji. Jak w tym wszystkim może nam pomóc Power BI?

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From the BI industry

Power BI – licenses and subscriptions for business users

Microsoft Power BI is a set of tools dedicated to data analysis, operating in the on-premise model and the cloud. With their help, it is possible to visualize and analyze company data intuitively. They are available in one place, and thanks to Power BI Mobile also from the level of mobile devices. What licenses and billing models are open for business users?

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From the BI industry

How much does a business analyst earn?

A business analyst is a highly qualified specialist who, based on the available information, concludes the optimal, from the company’s point of view, directions of action, and implementation. Using software tools of BI class, they are a kind of bridge between the world of information technology and the world of business. But, on what earnings can he count?

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