7 reasons to use Microsoft Power BI

Data analysis plays a key role in developing and increasing competitive advantage. With the help of modern BI tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, it becomes much more straightforward, accessible to virtually all employees involved in a given project and, significantly, the risk of failure is effectively minimised. If you wonder whether Microsoft Power BI is right for your business, here are seven reasons you should implement it.

1. Quick Power BI implementation process

The uncomplicated configuration process and the included dashboards for services such as Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Dynamics allow you to quickly extract information from the analysed data. The architecture of the Power BI system consists of:

– desktop application (Power BI Desktop) is used to process data, create reports, and visually present data. In conjunction with Power BI Pro, it enables sharing built projects with team members and others so that decisions are based on facts, not guesswork;

– cloud application (Power BI Service) – enabling the construction of reports and their sharing between users. It is a version of the program available in the cloud, which allows you to download data and work on them without the need to install software;

– mobile application (Power BI App / Mobile) – ensuring comfortable viewing and interaction with data in any place and time. It is a version of the programme designed for phones and tablets.

2. Scalability and savings with Microsoft Power BI

Companies that implement data analysis systems, such as Power BI, can significantly reduce costs. Thanks to them, the analysis process is much more efficient and can be performed even by people who do not have much technical knowledge. Faster access to information, in turn, means only one thing – the ability to make better business decisions and stable company development. Notably, the Power BI system is fully scalable – from individual people to the entire organisation.

3. Standardised and reliable data analysis

With Power BI, data from selected sources is aggregated automatically. Therefore, the risk of errors, especially those generated by the “human factor”, is effectively minimised. As we all know, data quality directly translates into the effectiveness of conducted analyses.

4. Improved data publication and distribution

Instead of sending large files via email or placing them on a shared drive, sharing reports and visualisations is done with the help of the Microsoft Power BI system. Significantly, all aggregated data is refreshed once the underlying dataset is updated. System users, therefore, have constant access to the information they need and can monitor the effects of their work on an ongoing basis.

5. Access to information in real-time thanks to Microsoft Power BI

Dashboards available in Microsoft Power BI update in real-time, which gives users the ability to quickly solve problems, such as identifying opportunities or market niches. Data sources can be databases, files and web services, factory sensors, social media, CRM systems or anything from which data can be collected or transmitted.

6. Data Security in Power BI

Data available within Microsoft Power BI is protected by industry-leading security features, including sensitivity tagging, end-to-end encryption and real-time access monitoring. This is critical regardless of the size of the database, the source of the data or the number of people involved in the analysis process, the location of the company and the number of partners to whom analysis results are shared.

7. Intuitive Power BI Interface

The Power BI interface was created primarily with end-users in mind. The service provides access to advanced models that simplify creating interactive reports. Importantly, users can generate queries in natural language and use drag and drop functionality. Thanks to Microsoft Power BI, the problem of waiting for the IT department’s results every time we need to extract the necessary information from the aggregated data disappears.

When is it worth implementing Microsoft Power BI?

Business Intelligence systems, including Microsoft Power BI, answer the needs of companies whose primary objective is to develop and strengthen their market position. In this case, the analytical tools are invaluable support in implementing the adopted strategy and the set short- and long-term objectives.

In practice, the implementation of the Power BI system is recommended primarily to those companies and organisations where, despite the collection of data, no specific business conclusions are drawn from it. Solutions offered by Microsoft will help them notice correlations between data, and the obtained information will be used to plan further actions. What is important, the industry and the size of the company are not important here. Instead, the priority should be to focus on process optimisation, reducing costs, the risk of errors, and increasing efficiency.

Implementing Microsoft Power BI – choose a tailored solution

Are you planning to implement Power BI in your company? Modern analytical tools are excellent for companies to manage their data sets efficiently. However, to fulfil their crucial role, they must be perfectly tailored to the needs and expectations of a given organisation. At EBIS, we implement Microsoft BI products based on an individual offer prepared for a given client. Contact our certified and experienced consultants to receive a dedicated Power BI system implementation offer!