Does data analytics affect ROI?

When facing business challenges, use the best possible solutions. One of them is data analysis. By pinpointing a specific problem, accessing relevant data and using techniques of modern analytics, there are many benefits to be gained. Such measures improve risk management, optimization of work and use of available resources. In addition to this, in the business world it is very important to track return on investment (ROI). It is through this indicator that companies can determine exactly how effective their operations are. So let's see how data analysis using Power BI can help in this aspect.

Return on investment index – what do you need to know about it?

Return on investment, or ROI, is a key tool for evaluating the effectiveness of financial ventures. It provides a measure of the profitability of an investment and allows the company to assess whether the invested funds are generating the expected benefits.

How to calculate ROI?

The calculation of ROI is relatively straightforward and involves dividing the profits earned from an investment by the total investment.

To calculate ROI, simply subtract the total investment from the profits earned, and then divide this result by the total investment. The value of the indicator can be presented, both as a percentage and as a numerical ratio.

To calculate ROI, you can use the formula:

ROI= Profits-Total Investment Expenditures / Total Investment Expenditures x 100

In case the investment return ratio is A positive indicates a profit, while a negative indicates a loss. For example, if the ROI is 70%, it means that for every zloty spent, we get 0.70 cents in profit. A higher ROI suggests that the investment is generating satisfactory returns compared to the costs incurred.

When evaluating the profitability of a company’s projects or operations, this indicator becomes an important decision-making tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that simply conditioning the success of an investment on ROI alone may give too narrow a picture. It is also worth considering other factors, such as the length of the payback period or the risks associated with a particular project.

Undoubtedly, however, calculating ROI should be a permanent part of a company’s financial management process, enabling it to track the effectiveness of its investments and make sound business decisions.

With ROI analysis, a company can better adjust its investment strategy, evaluate the profitability of projects, while eliminating less profitable projects in favor of those with higher returns.

return on investment - the value of the indicator

When is it a good idea to calculate ROI?

ROI is worth calculating during the implementation of a given investment, as it is a key tool for evaluating the effectiveness of that project.

This avoids a situation in which a negative ratio signals that financial outlays are outstripping profits. Regular ROI calculations make it possible to closely monitor whether the investment activities are delivering the expected benefits.

ROI analysis is particularly important when deciding how to allocate funds in long-term and complex projects. Knowing the ROI value, a company can accurately determine whether an investment is showing more profitability than initially expected, or whether it needs to adjust its strategy.

As a result, ROI is becoming a key component of the investment management process, enabling better alignment of activities with business objectives and ensuring greater return on investment. Importantly, ROI obliteration does not require complicated calculations, which should encourage stakeholders all the more to evaluate the effectiveness of investments using this indicator, among others.

ROI indicator - to assess the social profitability of projects

How does correct data analysis affect ROI?

1. discovering profitable business opportunities

By analyzing trends and measuring specific variables, companies are able to discover market niches and anticipate threats before they arise.

This is very important especially for those companies that operate in a dynamic and highly volatile environment. Basing business decisions on hard data results in increased company profits, and thus also positively affects ROI.

2. employee management

One of the biggest costs companies incur is employee salaries. The effective use of employee resources can be tracked by identifying busy periods. In addition to this, it is very useful to measure how the cost of each employee compares to the profits they generate for the company.

Thanks to modern data analysis systems, such as Power BI or Microsoft Fabric, analyzing the quality and efficiency of the HR department’s work is much easier, and the proper allocation of employees and distribution of responsibilities also translate into ROI.

profitability of investments vs. ROI

3. merchandise management

Data analysis also brings a number of benefits to companies operating in the trade sector. It allows you to get a lot of information about inventory, market demand for a particular type of goods or sales volume in a specific region.

Thanks to Power BI’s data-sharing capabilities, information can be accessed by everyone involved in the project. Such a solution significantly streamlines the work and increases its efficiency.

4. optimization of marketing campaigns

One of the challenges of marketing is to reach a selected sector of the market when they are most likely to use a particular service/good. This can be done by measuring data collected internally (for example, sourced from the online store), as well as externally (reactions from potential customers on social media).

Such a strategy allows you to better understand your customer and optimize the advertising message and communication channels. All this will significantly help to optimize the investment allocated for marketing. For more on improving marketing efforts through data analytics, see our previous article.

5. effective use of the budget

Once data from various sources is gathered in a single panel (Power BI provides such an opportunity), it is possible to determine exactly where to increase and where to decrease expenses. But that’s not all – advanced analytics will also help determine how changing the budget in a particular area (e.g., social media advertising) will affect the company’s revenue and the effectiveness of other advertising channels.

This eliminates the need to rely on guesswork, and allows employees from different departments to focus on developing the most effective solutions.

Return on investment - takes into account changes in the value of money and the value of money over time

Does data analytics make it easier to analyze ROI?

Definitely yes, data analysis makes it much easier to analyze ROI. This is because access to the relevant data enables more precise calculations of the index and deeper analysis of the components affecting investment profitability. Here are some aspects that data analysis can bring to ROI analysis:

Precise financial data

Accurate data on both profits and total capital expenditures are key to accurately calculating ROI. Analysis of financial data avoids errors and provides a solid basis for calculations and evaluation of absolute profitability measurements.

Data segmentation

By analyzing the data, it is possible to accurately allocate costs and profits associated with specific projects, products or business areas. This makes it possible to determine more precisely which investments are most profitable.

Tracking changes over time

Analyzing historical data allows you to monitor changes in ROI over time. This, in turn, makes it possible to identify trends and assess the long-term viability of investments.

Identification of factors affecting ROI

Analysis of the data allows you to identify factors that have a significant impact on ROI. This may include, among other things. Marketing efficiency, production costs or market changes.


Using data to forecast future financial performance allows a company to make more informed investment decisions. Forecasts can take into account different scenarios, allowing you to better prepare for potential changes.

So, as you can see from the above examples, data analytics is a key component of effective ROI management, enabling the company to more accurately assess the effectiveness of its investments and providing the information necessary to make sound business decisions.

 ROI - return on investment - the method is often used to assess the profitability of IT projects

Do you want to increase your ROI? Analyze your data with Power BI!

Widespread access to large amounts of data gives companies virtually unlimited opportunities to use it. Their correct analysis and the drawing of accurate business conclusions effectively increase the profitability of enterprises. Of course, for such analysis to be effective, good tools must be used.

One of them is Power BI, which was created specifically for business analytics. It helps you effectively visualize the data you’re collecting, so you can extract even more valuable information.

The implementation of Power BI enables the quick and intuitive creation of interactive reports and dashboards, making it easier to monitor key business metrics, including ROI. With advanced visualization tools, such as charts, tables and maps, users can track changes and trends in the data to help make sound investment decisions. What’s more, Microsoft Power BI also allows the integration of data from different sources, which is important for comprehensive analysis of investments and their impact on the profitability of the company.

In addition, Power BI offers the ability to create advanced predictive analysis to forecast future investment performance. This functionality is becoming a key component of a data-driven strategy, enabling companies to adapt their operations to changing market conditions and maximize return on investment.

ROI formula - funds for realization of a given investment