Microsoft invests one billion dollars in Poland

Microsoft has announced a comprehensive $1 billion investment plan to accelerate innovation and digital transformation in "Polish Digital Valley". The program combines long-term investment in improving the skills of talented people operating in the high-tech sector, strong local partnerships and support for the digital transformation. Under a partnership agreement with domestic cloud provider Chmura Krajowa, Microsoft will launch its first data-processing region in Central and Eastern Europe in Poland.

Chmura Krajowa and Microsoft – Partnership Agreement

The initiators of the Chmura Krajowa are PKO Bank Polski and Polski Fundusz Rozwoju. Their activities aim to stimulate development in the area of digital innovations in Polish companies and optimisation of processes connected with building modern public administration. To implement the actions adopted in the company’s articles of association, the Chmura Krajowa cooperates with leading suppliers from the IT and advanced technology sectors. Today, Chmura Krajowa is one of the best-specialised providers of cloud computing solutions on the Polish market, and partnership with Microsoft will allow further development of competences in this sector.

– “The partnership with Microsoft is an important stage in the development of the Polish Digital Valley.” We have convinced the world’s largest technology company to make an essential investment in Poland. Acting together, we are increasing the chances of accelerating the digital transformation of Polish enterprises and public administration. OChK provides services in the multicloud model, giving clients the freedom to choose between options for adopting cloud solutions and offering technologies that best fit their business model. The Azure cloud platform and Microsoft 365 solutions are a great extension of our offer” – explained Michał Potoczek, President of Chmura Krajowa during a press conference.

The Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, added: “I deeply believe that Microsoft’s investment in Poland will be important for enterprises, public institutions and the education system and will enable them to digitally transform and implement new work standards. Our primary goal is to accelerate Poland’s transformation into a technological hub for the region of Central and Eastern Europe”.

Jean-Phillippe Courtois, Executive Vice President and President of Microsoft Global Sales, Marketing and Operations said: “I am proud to announce our $1 billion dollar investment in Poland’s continued digital transformation and the development of the ‘Polish Digital Valley.’ Today’s announcement builds on our nearly 30-year presence in the country. Microsoft’s global-scale cloud in Poland will allow an ever-wider use, faster implementation and more benefits to those public institutions and businesses in critical sectors along with Poland’s thriving start-up community. This investment will also provide strong support for the continued success of Poland’s developer talent pool and beyond, creating critical skilling and learning opportunities for an estimated 150,000 employees, partners and students. Our mission is to empower the people and organizations of Poland to achieve more”.

What benefits will the Microsoft investment bring to Poland?

The skills development program will include training, e-learning programs, workshops and hackathons on cloud processing, development using artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, big data and IoT. The signed partnership will thus pave the way for local companies, start-ups and institutions to fully exploit the potential of cloud services while maintaining the highest standards of cybersecurity – especially for those with specific data storage and processing requirements. Microsoft’s collaboration with the Chmura Krajowa is scheduled for seven years, with the possibility of extension.