EBIS at Liverpool Biz Expo 2018

Liverpool Biz Expo is a one-day event addressed to representatives of the business services industry. EBIS also took part in the fair and presented its competences in the field of Power BI implementation.

The event took place on October 2, 2018, at the Isla Gladstone Conservatory, one of the most iconic places in Liverpool.

It was a great opportunity not only to present the EBIS offer regarding the implementation of the Power BI system but also to listen to interesting lectures, visit exhibition stands of other companies or establish new business contacts.

Our stand met with great interest – we are very happy about it! We had the opportunity to present our services in the field of Business Intelligence and Power BI. We also talked about the implementations on the Scandinavian market and the first implementations in England. The offer of our company has been very positively received by potential customers. It has convinced us that we should continue our mission of building the position of a leading exporter of Power BI services on the British market.

Next events from the business intelligence industry

Soon, in November 2018, we will attend in the next three events in Great Britain. This time we will visit London, Nottingham and Birmingham.